Max Schneider chatted with ANDPOP’s Simon Mohos about the photoshoot with Madonna for Dolce & Gabbana back in 2010…
Here’s a transcript by Madonnarama…
ANDYPOP: What what is like, seeing this tabloid photo of you and Madonna?
Max Schneider: I love telling this story, because it’s a testament to how brilliant Madonna is.
We’re doing this Dolce & Gabbana campaign and this last shot wasn’t planned. There’s security like the white house in this place. Men in black all over.
She was like “I wanna do a shot on the street right now” and Dolce & Gabbana are there like “Ok, alright, let’s go. Let’s do it.”
We get on the street and it’s like 50 guys running on the street. Of course, the paparazzi are all there. They know where she is, but they can’t get in. These 50 others dude just surround her and I’m standing next to her.
We start doing the shot. Nobody could make a perimiter or whatever else.She knew exactly what she was doing. We do that, that’s the last shot of the day and we’re done. I didn’t even realise till a few days later. That was totally intentional. What a brilliant media move. She knew exactly what she was doing.
I was 17… it was such brilliant, scandalous idea.
To this day I’m blown away… That’s why she is who she is.
Check out the video…
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