MDNA co-star Nicki Minaj, talked to Digital Spy about what it felt like to work with Madonna.
She said…
I just felt like someone pinch me someone, I must be dreaming.
I didn’t know Madonna knew me, nonetheless wanted to work with me.
I was like, is this really happening? What did I do to deserve this call?
It was a very magical moment and obviously we made history together, so I’m really really proud of it.I love that song, I love “I Dont Give A”. I love the feel, how powerful it is, how grimey it is.
It’s probably not going to be a single, but it seems to be a fan favourite on her album.
I think people get really excited by that one.
I love it!
Watch the video…
Nicki also talked about Madonna to English Tabloid The Sun.
Here’s what she had to say…
You know if you get kissed by Madonna you get sanctified.
She went in for a kiss.
No, it wasn’t a tongue, it was just a kiss, but she did it.
And now your wish is coming true.
I had no idea it was going to happen, but Madonna is a bad-ass — she’s the ultimate bad-ass.
She has very soft lips, though.[For the Super Bowl], we had a lot of rehearsals — intense rehearsals.
It wasn’t like she was standing there with a whip but you knew it was going to be her biggest show so I understand she was nervous.M.I.A. is very cool, very real, and what you see is what you get. She doesn’t bullshit anyone.
But no, I didn’t know about her flicking the Vs.
I didn’t speak to Madonna about it but I know she wasn’t happy.
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!