A few weeks ago, we revealed that Madonna did a recent photoshoot for the cover of the upcoming December issue of Harper’s Bazaar, shot by Tom Munro.
Matthew Rettenmund from Boy Culture confirms this news and can give away some extra details…
The main cover “Madonna and Her New Movie Star Andrea Riseborough” features a shot of Madonna, in a long-sleeved black gown, behind W.E.’s Andrea Riseborough with a protective arm over Riseborough’s shoulder and encircling her to her other shoulder.
There is an alternate, subscriber’s cover that shows both women full-body, both in all-black outfits again, Madonna out front in slacks, a turtleneck and a black fedora reminiscent of images used to promote Sticky & Sweet. She’s holding a movie camera and a film light is pointed, behind her, at a reclining Riseborough.
See Boy Culture for more news.
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