While a supposedly leaked document suggests Madonna is bringing her pop party to Auckland, the venue she is supposedly playing denies any knowledge of a visit by the Queen of Pop.
The document shows a Mt Smart Stadium show scheduled for March 31st, 2012.
However, the group manager of the stadium, Paul Nisbet, says they have not been approached with a booking by the superstar, and there is no booking on that date.
He said…
“Have I heard anything about it? No.
We obviously monitor the global touring circuit, and she is currently in the studio recording an album.
I’m not sure where that’s come from.
The album hasn’t been released yet, and I wouldn’t have thought that any world tour would be happening until that has been released.
But that would be cool.”
According to the article, the tour is set to be announced at a press conference in Beverley Hills on Monday, October 31st, 2011, which in itself is not something Madonna would do, before releasing an album or even a single.
A spokesperson for the tour’s supposed Australian promoter, Live Nation, was not aware of any leaked documents, and refused to comment on the rumour.
Today, the company took to its Twitter page to hose down rumours of a tour saying…
“As much as we would love it to be real, the Madonna article going around is a hoax.”
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