Former Radio 1 DJ Jo Whiley on Madonna
April 5, 2011 News

Former Radio 1 DJ Jo Whiley on Madonna


UK DJ Jo Whiley has recently left Radio 1 and is now taking up the evening slot on Radio 2. Despite her excitement, she’s found herself reflecting on the more eventful highlights during her years at Radio 1. So what’s her personal favourite?

“Having ­Madonna co-­presenting was pretty cool.
She was in the studio for an hour and a half just sitting right in front of me. She was all in purple – purple coat, purple knicker­bockers and boots – and was ­necking a massive bottle of cold green tea.
She gave me a lecture about how I should be drinking that ­instead of ­coffee!
But she was so down to earth. We ­chatted about our daughters and ­taking our kids horse-riding.
There was no awkwardness ­between records like there can be.
I really liked her”

Watch a video of Madonna exiting the studio after the Jo Whiley show back in 2005

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