From Rosie Radio
During her radio show, Rosie O’Donnell said she went with Madonna yesterday to see a screening of her new film W.E. which Madonna directed, produced and financed. She said the movie was absolutely brilliant. She admitted she didn’t know what to expect, at first, but found the film “absolutely beautiful.” She praised Madonna’s talent and explained how she was moved after one of her concerts because she was so amazed by how gifted Madonna was. She said the acting, directing, everything about the film is beautiful. Following the screening, Rosie was at a loss for words and said she almost started to cry. All she could manage to say to Madonna was, “You are absurdly gifted.” Rosie said Madonna’s talent literally stops her in her tracks. On her drive home, she thought about all the things she’s been privileged to witnessing her do in her lifetime. Rosie said her charity event Raising Malawi for example was so far beyond any event she’s ever been to like that. Rosie wasn’t sure when W.E. will be released but she said it is very, very good…
On her Twitter she wrote:
“just saw a screening of the movie madonna wrote and directed – it is truly amazing – beautiful – wow”
From Liz Smith on Wowowow
MADONNA is just about done editing her film, W.E. The star wrote and directed this tale of a modern young woman (Abbie Cornish) who is fascinated by the historic “fairytale” romance of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Frustratingly, I cannot say too much about the film. But I do feel safe in saying that Madonna is going to surprise just about everybody with her finesse here. W.E. is lush, compelling, romantic, funny and tragic. The pop icon is one hell of a director. But that’s no surprise to me.
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