Adele opened up about the her upcoming album “25” in a new interview for Rolling Stone.
The direct sonic influence is hard to find, but one of the chief inspirations for “25” was Madonna’s Ray of Light…
You know what I found so amazing about that record?
That’s the record Madonna wrote after having her first child, and for me, it’s her best.
I was so all over the place after having a child, just because my chemicals were just hitting the fucking roof and shit like that.
I was just drifting away, and I couldn’t find that many examples for myself where I was like, ‘Fuck, they truly came back to themselves,’ until someone was like, ‘Well, obviously, Ray of Light.’
Adele listened to it over and over, and was particularly captivated by “Frozen”…
I took that song as ‘I’ve gotten my confidence to come and do me again.’
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