Madonna to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show – More Details…
October 10, 2012 News

Madonna to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show – More Details…

Madonna has taped a full episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday, which will be broadcasted on October 29th!

Alessandro from MadonnaNation…

It was a nice interview! No performance from her, but a sort of dance showoff for the dancers with Candy Shop/Erotica. This interview is very Iconic! Madonna with the Vogue Bustier sitting down. She looked amazing and she seemed very happy! Rocco was also there!

Typical Ellen, no special future plans! They talked a lot about the tour, about her life, boyfriend and children.

Matthew Rettenmund from BoyCulture

Shaun Sperling, he of the “Vogue” bar mitzvah, is taping with Ellen DeGeneres today, which I found beyond coincidental considering the fact that Madonna is in town…and I was right to be suspicious!

A friend in the audience has sent me proof that Madonna is being interviewed by Ellen right now…and she is wearing her MDNA Tour “Vogue” outfit.

Every member in the audience also received the “Addicted to Sweat” Vol.1 DVD!

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Get your copy HERE!