Antonio Banderas on Madonna
August 8, 2011 News

Antonio Banderas on Madonna

Antonio Banderas recently gave an interview to American fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar.
He mentions how he met Madonna and the reasons why he turned down her advances…

On meeting Madonna…

Pedro Almodovar said ‘Antonio, she would love to get to know you’.
I couldn’t speak English at the time. She said a lot of things at the table when we were having dinner, I couldn’t understand shit.
I was just flipping out that I was sitting down close to Madonna.
She was very famous already, and we were just local people.

On turning down Madonna’s advances…

“…it was kind of flattering when somebody said, ‘She likes you, a lot’.
I said, ‘Oh, really? I’ve no idea what I should do about this, I mean, I’m married [to his first wife, Ana Leza]. So, nothing happened.
I was afraid of it at the time, because she was a very powerful woman.
I didn’t want to be Madonna’s boy.
For good or for bad, I just wanted to have my own career.”

huffingtonpost / harper’s bazaar

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