30 novembre 2017
Wish they Never Had to Grow Up!!!! Or lose their Innocence.
24 novembre 2017
I Give Thanks!!
22 novembre 2017
THE NEW TRAVEL KIT! @mdnaskin HAPPY HOLIDAY’S !!@thefatjewish @drpauljarrodfrank @tarinskillets @barneysny @edytaesthetician #travel #skin #glow #beauty #hydrate #radiate #face #rosemistspray #mdnaskin #luxury #youdeserveit
20 novembre 2017
Im in David’s Banda!!! But in another key!! Late night Lisbon sessions! CantHelp@Falling@in Love. with you! music #love #family #life
Singing one of my Favorites in the Stairwell For Azzedjne! For the Lovers! Thank you Elvis! @montepittman #music #love #life